The complementary therapy service here at the Centre aims to help our clients and carers to develop and implement their own ways of helping themselves, whilst living with cancer and other life-limiting illness. We support and encourage people through this process
The complementary therapist discusses each person’s needs at the start of a course of therapies, and the therapies are then tailored to suit each individual.
Complementary therapies aim to:
- Assist with symptom relief, such as pain, fatigue, nausea, insomnia and constipation.
- Encourage people to adopt health enhancing coping mechanisms and strategies.
- Promote relaxation and wellbeing.
- Reduce stress and anxiety.
The complementary therapies we offer are;
- Aromatherapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Indian Head Massage
- Massage
- On-site chair massage
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Relaxation Techniques
- Therapeutic Touch
Complementary therapies complement your medical care. They do not replace any conventional treatment. We would always encourage you to talk with your GP, Nurse Specialist or Consultant if you have any concerns about having complementary therapies whilst you are receiving medical treatment.
For further detailed information about the therapies we offer please click on the link below –